Colour: White. Milky-white, I must say. I thought the white would disappear upon application but unfortunately, it left me with a pasty-white face. The kind where it emphasizes my dark circles and makes my face much, much whiter than my neck.
Scent: It's the typical sunscreen scent. Not unpleasant but it disappeared after a while and it's completely unoffensive.
Waterproof/Long lasting: While at Pangkor Laut, the one thing I did maniacally was to re-apply sunscreen throughout the day. I didn't do much proper swimming but I definitely re-applied after every couple of hours or so while in the outdoors.
Texture: This is what I liked about this sunscreen. It's liquid and it goes on easily.
Usability: The Australian Cancer Council has a very cute catchphrase to educate the public on the importance of protecting themselves against the sun. Slip-Slop-Slap - slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen, slap on a hat. It's really that easy when it comes to sunscreen. Slop. Give the bottle a quick shake and then I dot 3 dots on my fingers on one hand, dab them on the other 3 fingers and spread all over my face. If I want to use makeup, it'll be a little bit of mineral foundation over and so on.
Packaging: A small bottle which can fit easily into any handbag.
Price: RM35.90 for 28ml. I suppose it's not that expensive and this is easily found in Guardian and Watson's.
Overall: It's a pretty good and basic sunscreen because it did what it's supposed to do. What irked me was the white residue that's left on my face upon application. Although it's almost every Asian girl to yearn to be fair and white, I yearn to be fair naturally. Not by some white pasty residue that's left behind by some sunscreen. Having said that. I might repurchase seeing how affordable it is. I'll have to live with the pasty white by compensating with makeup and some colours. Being unemployed, it's highly important to find something that not only works and good for you. The price has got to be right too. Seeing I would arrive smack in the hot, sultry Australian summer, there's a chance I might just go nuts and stock up on this for when I get there. I'm the kind who wears sunscreen in the dead of winter, so, there's no chance that this will ever go to waste.
I'd say give this a go because hey, for RM35.90, really, you've got nothing to lose.